Embarking on the journey of personal branding is a commitment, a pact you make with yourself. But unlike other commitments that demand rigid adherence, this one thrives on evolution, adaptability, and continuous growth. In the heart of this voyage lies the principle of stewardship. To steward your professional development is to own it, nurture it, and guide it with intentionality.
I heard someone say, “You can have the best manager in the world, but they cannot care more about your development than you do.”
So let’s start with a question: Why does stewardship, especially in the context of professional development, hold such significance? The answer lies in the distinction between passive learning and proactive growth. While the former waits for opportunities, the latter creates them.
Stewardship means taking charge, seeking out avenues for development, fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring every step aligns with your broader career vision.
Laying the Groundwork
Before you can steward your development, you must understand its current state. What skills do you possess? Where are the gaps? How do your strengths and areas of improvement align with industry and organizational demands? Answering these questions forms the basis of your development blueprint.
Seeking and Seizing Learning Opportunities
Once you have a clear picture of your current standing, pursue growth avenues. This could mean:
- Professional Courses and Certifications: In our rapidly evolving world, staying updated with the latest industry trends and acquiring relevant certifications can offer a competitive edge.
- Workshops, Webinars, eLearnings and Seminars: These are excellent platforms to not just gain knowledge but also to network and understand broader industry perspectives.
- Cross Training: Cross-training (laterally or vertically) allows you to step into different roles and responsibilities, broadening your skill set. By actively seeking cross-training opportunities, you not only signal your commitment to growth but also position yourself as a versatile and invaluable asset to your team.
- Mentorship: Identify individuals, within or outside your organization, who’ve treaded the path you aspire to walk. Their insights, guidance, and feedback can be invaluable.
Integrating Learning
Acquiring knowledge is one part of the puzzle; the real challenge is integration. How do you implement your learnings in real-world scenarios? Start by identifying projects or tasks that align with your newly acquired skills. Showcase your enhanced capabilities, and always be open to feedback. Remember, every implementation is also a learning opportunity.
[RECAP] 4. Steward Your Development
Action Steps:
• Prioritize learning as a non-negotiable aspect of your career journey.
• Identify gaps in your skills and seek training or mentorship to fill them.
• Share and apply your acquired knowledge, becoming a beacon of expertise and inspiration for others.